

We were so excited to get outside and play after the snow melted. Halle has discovered the parks this year. It has been so FUN! The only thing is ,is she wants to go ALL the time! All she talks about is "going weeeeee," "slide," and "swing." Don't ever mention it unless you are actually planning on going or you have one upset little girl. We have been trying every park around town. And we have found that Halle is fearless. She will RUN up the stairs and the jungle gym and always wants to go to the highest slide. And she wants to do this all by herself. She does really well. She sits and scoots to the slide...whew...thank goodness. I still can't breath whenever she is up there. We of course love to go with our friends Denver and Ashley too. Halle also loves the wagon rides.

Denver is so excited!! Love this face!

Halle could really swing for an hour and just talk and talk and talk away.
Daddy has fun too!

Here's a short video of Halle RUNNING to the top slide as Dad tries to keep up with her.
We look forward to a summer full of playgrounds.

1 comment:

The Nelson Family said...

ahhh we love you guys!!!!!! thanks for being our friends!:) LOVE her easter dress! so sweet! sooo glad you moved to town and it's so fun watching d and halle play together! can't wait to meet your new little girl and give her a squeeze!