

These girls are so sweet! Halle loves her sister Bekah Joy. Halle wants to hold her, put lipstick on her, share her snacks with her, read books to her, have conversations with her, kiss her, tickle her, hug her and share all her toys. When we go to leave the house she always makes sure Rebekah is with us. She will say, “Mommy, you got Bekah?, Okay” She will tell me when she is crying or smiling everytime. Halle will always quickly notice when Rebakah is out of the room and asks where she is. She has most recently learned how to play peek a boo with her. Halle still loves to help with every bath and diaper change.

But this definitely isn’t one sided. Rebekah will not take her eyes off Halle. Her eyes follow Halle and her every move. She wiggles in excitement with lots of smiles whenever Halle comes close and interacts with her. She now even is trying her best to talk to Halle. And then of course there is that occasional nervous flailing as Halle is covering her in toys or trying to pick her up or stuff something in her mouth.

I’m so ecstatic that there is already a bond between my two girlies. love em!

Halle likes to share her toys with Bekah.

P90X...Bring IT!

I’m not able to fit in any of my clothes at the moment. I am still wearing maternity stuff. So I have started the hard core program of P90X. It is my 90 day trek to get in “the best shape of my life,” they say. Currently I am at the end of the sixth week and have not missed a day yet. I have lost 15 lbs already and shedding inches. The workouts are so intense but they are getting easier...well not sure if I can use that word “easy” when talking about P90X. It is tough! I sure do feel good once I get through one though. I wanted to let you guys know about it to have another form of accountability. My mom passed this program on to me. She has went through the program three times. She is now doing the next one called insanity. She is insane. But it has been great receiving accountability and encouragement from her everyday. And she looks and feels amazing! She is a great accountability partner. I look forward to letting you know of the progress and results throughout the next 90 days. BRING IT!


Happy 28th Birthday to my Baby

We celebrated Dan's birthday on the ninth of August. I planned a surprise get together at one of his favorite restaurants, Texas Roadhouse. I was honestly overwhelmed with joy at the response I got when I invited everyone. Everyone gave an immediate yes. I was so happy everyone came. We had a great time. I hope Dan knows how many people appreciate and love him. Happy Birthday Baby! LOVE YOU!

At Texas Roadhouse they make the birthday boy ride the saddle as they serenade him with song. Is this also another reason I chose Texas Roadhouse?...Maybe :)


Every place Dan and I go we seem to make BEST friends with a couple who end up hanging out with all the time. Trent and Laurin are two of our AMAZING youth leaders in Proxy. They are newly weds , fastly approaching their one year anniversary soon. Halle adores them! She is always asking if they are coming over for dinner or to play. When talking on her telephone, it is Trent or Laurin she is always talking to. Halle actually has a little girl crush on Trent. When Trent is in the room she says his name over and over and over until he turns to answer and then she turns her head and cuts her eyes as she sticks her finger in her mouth out of shyness. IT is really funny. She will run up and hit his leg and run away just grinning and laughing. They are both amazing youth leaders. They are always hanging out with the youth outside of church and there to help with Proxy every chance there is. It is truly seen that they genuinely love the students and care about their growth in Jesus. We really love them and are so glad to know them and so blessed to have them involved in Proxy.
We went to a petting zoo with them the other day which turned out to really dirty. I mean I grew up in south Georgia in the country surrounded by animals but this was DIRTY! They had a chicken in a cage with just a simple paper sign saying, "Chicken being tested for West Nile, PLEASE KEEP AWAY!" What? Like every child can read and keep their hands away from the cage which is not out of reach. But we still enjoyed the company.


G-ma And Papa John come to visit

We were so happy to have all three sets of grandparents visit this summer. My mom and her husband Jon came to visit us for a few days in August. It went by way too fast. They were only able to be here two full days but we made sure to pack those days full of time spent together, early mornings to late evenings. Here are some pics from the time we spent with g-ma and papa Jon.
We all took Halle to an art Pavilion here in town. It was so cool! We all found something to do and were pretty amused.

We lost Papa Jon for a second and turned round to a loud cajun voice screaming about losing his car and saw this. All three floors of the museum heard him talking about his lost car. Papa sure makes things exciting and fun.
We then of course spent lots of time at parks, taking Halle on the swings and slides. Papa Jon had lots of fun going "weeeee" too.
My momma's so pretty.

Our little Rebekah Joy is so beautiful.


Those two beautiful girls!

We took some evening walks in the neighborhood. Bekah Joy enjoyed the ride.
Papa Jon fixed us some amazing homemade Louisianna Jambalaya one night, so good! We played Catch Phrase one night, couple against couple. I really enjoyed getting to know Jon more. He is a joy to be around. We were so grateful that they came. We had so much fun and loved having there company. We have watched too many people leaving down our road this summer saying good bye. Miss you G-Ma and Papa Jon.


Papa and Manda's Visit

It has been a summer full of grandparents visits. We've had so much fun. My Dad and Amanda, my stepmom came to visit us for a whole week. We loved their stay with us. We went swimming, took Halle to parks, ate really well, went hiking, took lots of pictures, and toured the city and countryside. Halle helped Grandma Manda get ready every morning and got some lotion and perfume. Daddy chased and played and tossed Halle around the whole week. She loves them so much. We are so glad they drove all that way to see us. We miss them so much. Halle asks about them all the time. And gets excited when we mention their names. She'll run to the door and ask if they are here. Amanda is an amazing photographer. Here are some photos from the week. It was a week of relaxation and just enjoying the company.

We can't wait for them to visit again. MISS you guys ALOT! Thanks for a great week.


Our gift of Joy arrives

Rebekah Joy
Our little Rebekah Joy arrived Tuesday June 15th at 5:26pm weighing in it at 7 lbs 7oz with a little bit of dark hair and dark blue eyes.

The day before is when everything started to begin. Monday morning I started having contractions. Which I thought were surely just Braxton Hicks because they were not painful at all just annoying. But they were consisitant. After lunch I noticed I was still having them so Dan and I started timing them. They were consistantly 20 minutes apart. We were still going about our daily activities. Dan's grandparents had just got into to town and were staying at the Casino Hotel in town which had an indoor pool. We ended up sticking around at the pool and watching Dan and Halle swim all aftrernoon. The contractions were still there. They actually started gradually growing closer together like 12-13 minutes apart but still not painful at all. I still felt that this was surely not it. BUt my hopes were high. After a LONG afternoon of swimming in that HOT...HOT room we all headed to dinner at the Olive Garden. I felt that the contractions were a little bit stronger now but still not close to painful. We started timing them on Dan's cool and very useful iphone app. Turns out the contractions had grown to 7 to 8 minutes apart. Yeah!!! We all got kind of excited now and a bit anxious hoping this was it. I went a head before calling the doctor and ate as much as I could of that yummy pasta!!! We got on the phone with the doctor and they said to take a warm bath and 1000 mg of tylenol. So I headed to the jacuzzi tub in Grandma's hotel room. After an hour in the tub, the contractions were still there and still consistent. I held off going in until they picked up in pain or grew closer together. I actually got a great night's sleep and then woke up at 5 am to some more painful cramping but still 7 minutes apart. These I actually had to breath through some but nothing that wasn't bearable. Dan and I decided to head in. We found out I was dilated to a good 5 and completely soft and contractions were coming on consistently. They admitted me at 8 am and moved me into a really comfy room. Dan and I did some walking and played alot of scrabble on his ipad for the next few hours. They gave me the epidermal around lunch time and shortly after that broke my water. We started the pushing around 5:10pm. I only had to push 3 times and our beautiful baby girl Rebekah Joy arrived at 5:26pm that Tuesday evening. We were blessed to have such a smooth pregnancy. It went sooo great! The hospital was amazing. The doctor and nurses were wonderful. We conversated with the doctor and nurses the whole time. They were so kind and so helpful with everything. They brought me cheesecake at every meal and warm cookies for snacks. YUM!

Rebekah was a great baby from the first moments. She latched right away and has been an incredible eater. She nurses so well and so fast. She slept through the first night for one four hour stretch and has not had her nights and days mixed up at all. She has done so well at night. She hardly ever cries and she likes to sit in her bouncy most of the day and watch me chase around her big sis Halle. She sleeps very well in her crib. Rebekah Joy has had such a sweet personality and countenance from day 1. She loves to look at you and somewhat smile quite often, with the occasional coo. I was not sure how I would be able to love another as much as I love Halle, but I totally can and do. My love for her is growing more and more everyday.

At Rebekah Joy's first doctor's visit (at 2 weeks old) she had gained two pounds! I was concerned because she was only eating for about 10 minutes total (both sides) and I could not get her to eat anymore. I was afraid she wasn't getting any of that hind milk. If I tried to get her to keep going, she would spit it all up...projectile! But evidently she is just a fast and effective eater. Because her doctor seemed happy and astounded at the weight gain. It is a real blessing with having to take care of Halle also. Halle would eat for 40 to 45 minutes when she was this age.

Grandma Ruby and Bob (Dan's mom, Karen's mom and step dad) were able to visit and be here when Rebekah Joy arrived.
We were so blessed to have Karen and Doug there to help take care of Halle when we were in the hospital. This is Halle meeting her baby sister for the first time.
Uncle Mike was able to be here too.
Here is Grandpa Bob with our little Joy.

This was Rebekah Joy's first bath.

We had to cancel PROXY that Wednesday night but all the leaders came to visit! It was special to have all the visitors and kind gifts in the hospital. We are blessed to be surrounded by some incredible people. We love you guys.
So all together Halle seriously probably got more gifts than Rebekah did during the months and days leading up to Rebekah coming and even the days after. She got sooooo much stuff! It was so sweet of everyone to think of Halle and how she would be feeling with a new little sister in the house. Thank you so much. Dan and I also brought some bags full of goodies home for Halle from the hospital.
Here is sweet Aunt Beverly from Kansas City. Her and Grandma Doris were able to come and visit. This is Dan's dad, Doug's Aunt and step mother. They of course came with bags full of goodies for the girls. They are soooooooo sweet. And I was so happy they were able to come and see Rebekah Joy.
Here is baby Joy with Grandma Doris. Thank you guys for coming to see us and celebrate with us.
Rebekah Joy with her Grandpa Friesen.
Baby Joy with Grandma Friesen.

Thank you Jesus for another gift that we are so undeserving of. She is a beauty. Grant us the love, strength, patience, wisdom and knowledge to parent Little Rebekah Joy. Her life is in your hands. May we not do this on our own but look to you for guidance and instruction. Give us the grace to teach her about you and love her with your love. May her life be full of your blessings and may it be full of your Joy. We love you. Thank you Jesus for your grace. You are all that is good!

Waiting for Rebekah Joy to Arrive

Grandma and Grandpa Friesen came to stay with us for two weeks waiting for baby Rebekah Joy to show her beautiful face. It was so great having them here. We always love the time we get to spend with them. It goes by too fast. Halle really REALLY enjoyed having them here as well. She was the center of attention. She got lots of playtime, hugs, kisses, suckers and ICE CREAM!!! Karen was so amazing and helped keep the house together, our tummies fed (really well), laundry done, and a peaceful home. She wouldn't let me do anything...fold clothes, cook, clean up...nothing! It was such a blessing to have her here. She is such a servant and generous giver of her time, heart, and resources. Jesus shines through her. Thank you Karen! We love you!

Halle also got plenty of attention from mommy and Daddy too leading up to when Rebekah Joy arrived. Daddy took her swimming alot.

Uncle Mike also came for a few days to hopefully meet Rebekah.
Getting ice cream became almost a nightly thing. Halle sure enjoyed it along with everyone else.

Grandpa had to take a short business trip the first week and came back with some goodies for Halle.
Halle loved playing chase with Grandpa or she called it, "runnin." They would stand on opposite sides of the room and count from 1 to three together and then run into one another in the middle or Halle would slip right through Grandpa's legs.

Halle looked forward to getting weighed on Grandma's scale every morning along with getting a spray of perfume and lipstick from her.

We were so blessed having them here for those exciting two weeks. Thankfully Rebekah Joy did make an appearance before they left. Details to follow in the next blog post.