
My Mom

I will never forget when Jess and I found out that we were having a baby. It was one of the most exciting and frightening times of my life. Within an instant of seeing the little line on the "pee stick" my world was completely changed. I was ecstatic at the thought of being a daddy. I was worried if I would be able to provide for her properly.
I always knew that I have had a good mom. When I became a parent myself I came to realize this truth all the more. As I watch Jessica as she tirelessly takes care of Halle Grace on a moment to moment basis I become painstakingly aware of the time my mother gave of herself to me. I never realized how many poopy (incredibly rank) diapers she had to change. I never realized how many times she likely had to change her own cloths as a result of my pukes. I never realized how many countless hours of sleep she likely lost when I was sick or running a fever and she stayed of with me as I screamed. 
My mom taught more than I currently realize as I am stepping further into the shoes of parenthood. I look forward to Halle growing older so that I can do some of the same things with Halle as my Mom did with me. I can't wait to do "Daddy Dates" with Halle bug like my mom did "Mommy Dates" with me.  These are some of the greatest memories I have as a kid.
 Mom getting me out of school to go to Show Biz Pizza.
 Mom waking me up by tickling me till I nearly peed the bed.
 Mom watching me do all the goofy things that I did as a kid (home movies, special recipes, swinging from breaking vines, chopping trees down in the backyard.
 Mom reading me the children's bible before I went to bed.
 Mom letting me eat the cookie dough from the bowl.
 Mom making me read books with her on puberty (definitely not a favorite!)
 Mom watching TV with us in our forts that we would build in the family room
Mom taking us to the pool in the summer

As a child every boy grows up taking what he learns from his Mom and basing that off of how to choose a spouse. My mom taught me what to look for in a wife and best friend. And because of that my Mom helped me find the best gift in the world in Jessica. And now Jessica is a mom. And the more I watch my incredible wife grow into an incredible Mom, I am continually reminded of what a great mom I had and continue to have. Happy Mothers Day Mom.

Dedicated to Karen Denise Friesen.

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