We were so excited to get outside and play after the snow melted. Halle has discovered the parks this year. It has been so FUN! The only thing is ,is she wants to go ALL the time! All she talks about is "going weeeeee," "slide," and "swing." Don't ever mention it unless you are actually planning on going or you have one upset little girl. We have been trying every park around town. And we have found that Halle is fearless. She will RUN up the stairs and the jungle gym and always wants to go to the highest slide. And she wants to do this all by herself. She does really well. She sits and scoots to the slide...whew...thank goodness. I still can't breath whenever she is up there. We of course love to go with our friends Denver and Ashley too. Halle also loves the wagon rides.
Denver is so excited!! Love this face! Halle could really swing for an hour and just talk and talk and talk away. Daddy has fun too! Here's a short video of Halle RUNNING to the top slide as Dad tries to keep up with her.
I realize that it is now June but I never got to post on Easter. I don't want to pass these sweet moments up to share with you. I will never forget this past Easter Sunday morning. We were doing a painting during the Sunday morning service. I had the paint buckets filled in the room to the side of the stage. Halle of course was right on my heels the whole time we were getting everything ready. I ran into the room with the paint for a split second and then turned and saw almost as if in slow motion Halle taking a fall right into the black paint...new Easter dress and all. It scared her sooo bad, poor thing! But luckily it was just her arm. So the sleeve of her sweater was the only thing ruined. Unfortunately I was so frustrated at the moment that I didn't snap a picture of this memorable moment. But it will always be remembered.
Our church puts on a community Easter egg hunt each year. It is always a huge hit. This year we had over 500 people come through the doors. It went so great. We had over 20,000 eggs stuffed with candy and door prizes. We gave away 6 bikes and TONS of TOYS. Halle of course loved picking up the Easter eggs once she realized there was candy in each one. Daddy of course jumped in and helped as well. This was Halle's first year dying Easter eggs. I think the stickers were her favorite part. Jesus is good!
We are so happy swimming season is coming. Halle really liked and enjoyed being in the water last year. Just recently we have introduced her to the indoor pool again after months of not having her in the water. We want to try and get her ready for The Falls when it opens in June. The Falls is this really nice water park facility they have here in Cedar Falls. It has a LARGE wonderful kids area.
Halle has been talking and understanding more and more everyday. It is truly amazing to see her personality unfold all the more. She is precious. So, with her understanding more we also have to be careful what we say. She doesn't quite understand the words "tomorrow" or "later." So if we know we are taking her to the park or taking her swimming later we refrain from saying so earlier than that very moment of leaving and actually going. If we do not wait, Halle runs and gets her shoes and says "play," "weeeee," "slide," "swing," "swim," or "Waweee" (aka:water) FOREVER!!!!!! And gets pretty angry when it doesn't happen. When we are heading to the pool she of course is sooooooo excited! She talks about it the whole way there. "Mommy, mommy, mommy?" (me) "Yes Halle?" "Wawee, Wawee and Daddy in Wawee.....jibberresh that we don't quite understand....swim, Daddy, swim in the wawee!" (me) "Yes Halle Water, we're going to swim in the water" Halle then always says, "Kay, Kay" and then repeats everything. Really cute but also REALLY repetitive! Although I have to say her excitement is pretty contagious and puts BIG smiles on our faces.
Dan has been working with Halle on her holding her breath under water. She has recently learned how to and it has truly amazed us. She will actually hold her breath long enough to reach down and grab a toy at the bottom of the pool. So we want to share these special videos with you. Dan is an amazing teacher with Halle. He really knows "HOW" to teach her things well. I have alot of learning to do from him. Halle is also a very quick learner and a determined little girl. Here they are. Please enjoy.
I am blessed with an amazing husband. There is really no better, He is the best! And we have been blessed with the most precious little girl, Halle! It's hard to imagine loving another one like I love these. A women's heart grows and stretches with her belly. I keep learning a deeper and deeper love. Thank you Jesus for the joys you have entrusted and given to me. You are the giver of the best gifts.
Dan and Halle came home yesterday with these beautiful flowers. Halle looked so excited to give them to me, sooo sweet! She kept stressing over and over to me that they needed water.
Then Dan slaved for over an hour in the kitchen on this awesome meal. It was sooooooo good! Yummy! You two are the best!! Thank you for such a memorable day! I love you!